
Saturday, April 13, 2019

There’s a wedding this 15th!! Congrats Millicent! How many times...

There’s a wedding this 15th!! Congrats Millicent! How many times do you think she’s been a bride now? Find out in our upcoming film ‘The Toast’. #barbie #samandmickey #thetoast #auntmillicent #blushingbride

from Sam & Mickey

Sunday, April 7, 2019

A new month means a new Sunday miniseries! April is ‘Barbie’s...

A new month means a new Sunday miniseries! April is ‘Barbie’s Unpopular Opinion’ month, which is potentially our stupidest idea yet. It came about from a conversation that went exactly like this:
Sam: “What if we wrote a series that has a fairly lengthy theme song, plus a musical outro, but the episodes are literally one sentence each?”
Mickey: “I’m 100% here for this”

Episode 1 is up on YouTube now! Enjoy!! #barbie #samandmickey #miniseries #sunday #barbiesunpopularopinions #weareprettydumb

from Sam & Mickey